He Saw Her
by Karen Musick
Buy the Original Painting
24.000 x 18.000 x 1.000 inches
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He Saw Her
Karen Musick
Painting - Oil On Canvas
Take a good look, now another one. There is a face a story within stories. Being in a new relationship has proved challenging for this independent artist type. At first i didn't think he saw me, the real me, then lately I've gone through a huge heart scare, including an hour long ambulance ride from my home to the big city where i spent 8 long hours wondering how i'd recover from open-heart-surgery.
Skyman, my prince, not only followed me down, but he brought this painting and my paints allowing me to do something while being forced to lie perfectly still for 24 hours.
I do not need heart surgery, but there is an "impressive" problem with the vessels spasming and the heart not getting enough oxygen when i excersise or something like that. ???? I see the doc soon.
So, this painting evolved as did my chest pains which have been with me all summer, scarring the daylight out of me, making it hard to sleep.
So here we have him seeing me, even though my head is off my shoulders, if you take as much drugs as they give me you'ld have your head on your arms too
There is still much going on, mostly my interpretation of things, don't know if any of this makes sense, but it is a deep painting full of now life and a sense of hope.
What do you see???
August 18th, 2010